The Center for Spiritual Peacemaking

Have you been yearning for a  place where you can explore the subject of Spirituality?

Great! That’s why we’re here!

Our team wants to explore with you. We’re planning wonderful events and services that will bring awareness and energy to our ways of BEing in the world.

No preaching, lots of listening!

No dogma, lots of dialogue!

Our goal as a Soul Community is to “Love ALL the ways that People love God” as James Twyman said, however you perceive that, regardless of the label. No one is here to judge~but rather to love, empower and embrace the essence of devotion that exists in all paths. We are not diluting or homogenizing anything. We are encouraging you to enter more deeply into your own Way of Devotion. We want to be inclusive and welcoming to anyone who feels drawn to celebrate life with us.

We are in a very unique period in history. It’s time to open the doors and invite ALL to come in. We are offering a more universal way of honoring and nourishing each other Spiritually.

That is how I see what we are doing here; celebrating ALL paths, together.

We offer an essential service to our community through social programs, workshops, opportunities to gather in Sacred Circle, a center to support the spiritual and emotional needs of all People.

Sunday Meditation Service

At the core of all major religions is the desire for Peace.

Incorporated into this non-denominational Experiential Worship Service are customized guided meditations for Inner Peace, timely messages from The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking book, the 12 Peace Prayers, and current trending topics.

Please join us a we develop a deeper relationship with the God of your Heart.

Our meeting space is around the back of the building where the Peace Garden grows.

500 Park Ave. Towson, MD


Join us for guided meditation and discussion.

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